Environmental Economics and Policy, University of Padova (2021, 2023, 2024 - BSc Economics) - Adjunct instructor (10h)
- Topics: Attitudes and beliefs towards environmental problems and climate change; Environmental policies: public support; Climate economics and the social cost of carbon; Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Envirodevonomics: economic development and the environment
Applied Econometrics, SciencesPo Paris (2021 - Graduate) - Main instructor (24h)
- Topics: OLS, Binary dependent variable models, Instrumental variables, Panel data
Imperfectly Competitive Markets, IÉSEG School of Management (Fall 2021, 2022 - Undergraduate) - Main instructor
- Topics: Market forms and market power, Strategic interaction under oligopoly, Profit maximization under monopoly power
Business Cycles, IÉSEG School of Management (Winter 2020, 2021, 2022 - Graduate) - Main instructor
- Topics: Business cycles and macroeconomic uncertainty, National accounting, Balance of payments, Relationships between unemployment, inflation, output and money growth, Exchange rate regimes